Char Marie, L.Ac.
Char is a graduate of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2001. As part of her education and training in China, she also completed a clinical internship at The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine.
She is licensed in the state of Connecticut as an acupuncturist, (2003).
She began her studies in Chinese Medicine while working in a western hospital as an assistant, University of Rochester, NY. She began to study qigong healing at that time with qigong master Donald Londorf, MD, CM, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), in 1998 and soon thereafter, with Grandmaster TK Shih, OMD (now the late Grandmaster Shih), of Danbury, CT. She has been certified as a qigong therapist since 1998 by Grandmaster Shih, and also as a teacher for his intensives for Level I and QiGong Therapist training (2012). She was a student of Grandmaster Shih's for more than 18 years, until he left this world.
Her work with qigong, along with many years of working in clinics and hospitals in supportive roles, forms the foundation of her Chinese Medicine practice.
Her clinical experience in Chinese medicine in CT began in 2004, and has largely focused on caring for and supporting patients with hematology and oncology diagnoses and autoimmune diseases, however, she sees patients from all specialties and all age groups.
Today, some areas of continuing education she likes to focus on, among other things, are staying up to date on pharmacological medicine/herbal medicine and drug interactions, neurological (scalp) acupuncture, oncology supportive care, functional medicine for the acupuncturist, and acupuncture with light and other novel therapies. She has a very strong interest in mind-body medicine of all sorts.
She has taught qi healing and qigong practice to students from all backgrounds, has lectured to physician groups and medical students, and other interested groups about Chinese Medicine, acupuncture and qigong healing.